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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Grandfathered old files and the translation is 63% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Grandfathered old files and have to be approved by a translation administrator.


让第三方向志愿者回复团队(VRT,过去被称为OTRS团队)发送授权邮件,证明已获许可,以自由授权释出第三方所创建的文件,是维基共享资源的一贯做法。 然而,2006年起維基共享資源才開始使用OTRS系統。 OTRS的电子邮件地址于2006年3月15日新手入门指南上被首次提及,志愿者回复团队的页面则创建于2006年9月11日

然而在共享资源上,许多旧文件是通过电子邮件许可上传的。 在2006年1月8日至2006年3月15日这段时间,上传者被要求添加版权人授予许可的引用文字。 新手入门指南的一个早期版本提到,{{Information}}模板的“许可”(permission)字段应包含: "Short quote of the permission of the copyright owner of this image in case of a individual permission."

Prior to 8 January 2006, it was only required that the file be properly licensed and attributed, with no specific statement of permission being required on the image page.


It has been a custom on Wikimedia Commons to grandfather in these files, rather than to delete them. See for example this discussion at the Administrators' noticeboard.

If there are reasons to doubt the authorship or permission of the author of one of these files, attempts should be made to communicate with the named author, to better establish the situation (and preferably obtain VRT evidence). The precautionary principle still applies – if real doubt remains, the file may be deleted in a deletion request.

An example of a grandfathered old file (GOF) which was deleted and then undeleted based on this principle can be viewed here.

Grandfathered old files should be tagged with the {{Grandfathered old file}} template which assigns them to the hidden category Category:Grandfathered old files. This tag can be applied only to files uploaded prior to 1 January 2007.



