Commons:Galeri, templat, dan kategori khusus pengguna
Halaman ini adalah pedoman untuk pembuatan dan penggunaan template, kategori dan halaman galeri yang berhubungan dengan satu pengguna tertentu. Pengguna seringkali membuat item semacam itu untuk mengumpulkan kontribusinya di satu tempat dan menghemat waktu/tenaga untuk mengulang perizinan/informasi sumber. Untuk kebijakan terkait, lihat COM:PSP.
Secara umum:Anda dipersilakan membuat sesuatu untuk kenyamanan Anda sendiri, selama itu tidak akan mengganggu penjelajahan orang lain dengan cara biasa.
Halaman pengguna
Pengguna dipersilahkan untuk membuat laman di ruang nama Pengguna dengan nama pengguna mereka sendiri, misalnya Pengguna:Contoh untuk pengguna bernama Contoh. Sistem terkadang akan menautkan ke halaman pengguna ini secara otomatis, seperti di halaman histories. Halaman tambahan juga dapat dibuat selama diberi nama sebagai subhalaman, misalnya, Pengguna:Contoh/Kotak Pasir.
Halaman dan subhalaman pengguna dapat dibiarkan tanpa kategori, atau secara opsional dapat ditambahkan ke subkategori yang relevan dari Category:Commons community. Mereka tidak boleh ditambahkan ke kategori dalam hierarki Category:Topics.
Halaman galeri
Users are welcome to create galleries of their own work on pages that are subpages of their user page, e.g. "User:Example/Gallery". Optionally, they can be categorised under Category:User galleries ({{User gallery}} does this automatically). Users are welcome to create as many of these galleries as they wish. They can also create galleries in their user space such as "My favourite pictures at Commons".
Users can also place a link to the MyGallery Javascript tool on their userpage, which shows all their uploads. {{MyGallery/userbox}} looks like this, and on a userpage will link to that user's uploads:
![]() |
Users are welcome to create user-specific categories using their username (e.g. Category:Photos by User:Example) or real or stage name (e.g. Category:Photos by John Doe). Such categories must be categorised only under Category:User categories; this should be done using {{user category|username}}.
Ambiguous user categories (e.g. Category:Photos of London) must be disambiguated (e.g. Category:Photos by London (Commons user)).
Subcategories of user categories must also be marked as user categories, and not be categorised under the main category tree. Furthermore, media files must still be categorised under the main category tree (i.e. files in Category:Photos of the 2012 Summer Olympics by User:Example must also have a main category such as Category:2012 Summer Olympics or subcategories thereof).
Categories shouldn't be created to collect files based on a user's personal opinion (e.g. User:Example's favourite pictures); user galleries may be used for such purposes instead as described above.
Pengguna dipersilahkan untuk membuat templat khusus pengguna untuk menstandarkan informasi yang mereka hasilkan padahal aman gambar mereka. Template tersebut harus ada sebagai subhalaman pengguna daripada di ruang nama template, misalnya Pengguna:Contoh/Template atau Pengguna:Contoh/Info. Template harus menggunakan Template:Information sebagai basis.
Dapat diterima
Users can use such templates to specify how they want to be attributed, e.g. by their real name or username. Some "advertising" for the user's work is allowed, such as a link to an external website (portfolio/gallery). (As we discourage image watermarks, the image page is the appropriate place for such "advertising".) Requests for notification about use are allowed (only requests, not requirements). A notice such as "other terms/higher resolution available on request" are allowed. Contact details are allowed. Technical details such as camera model or method of creation of the file/s are allowed.
Tidak dapat diterima
No user template can require additional conditions of use above and beyond the terms of their chosen license. Additional conditions such as notification can be requested but must not be required.
Mengenai lisensi
Regarding license templates: if the user-specific template incorporates a standard license template, the user-specific template should be subst:ed in use. If the user-specific template does not incorporate a standard license template, then it can be subst:ed or not as the user prefers.
Templates such as "CC-BY-SA-UserExample" (which combines the standard license template with file author information) should not be used. Use of such custom templates reduces machine readability about file licenses. (It becomes impossible to tell by parsing the wikitext which license applies, if there are potentially as many license templates as there are users.)
This file is a work by User Example. More of my work can be found in [ Example's gallery]. I would appreciate being notified if you use my work outside Wikimedia. </div> <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> Example's works at Wikimedia Commons are all licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License: </div> {{CC-BY-SA-4.0}}</per> <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> On an image page, the user would only put the template {{tld|User:Example/Template1}}. Because this template incorporates a standard license template, it must be [[w:Help:Substitution|subst:]]ed, so they must always put {{tld|subst:User:Example/Template1}}. </div> <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> '''User:Example/Template2''' <pre>This file is a work by User Example. More of my work can be found in [ Example's gallery]. I would appreciate notification if you use my work outside Wikimedia.
Template ini tidak menyertakan template lisensi. Pada halaman gambar, pengguna akan meletakkan setidaknya dua template:{{User:Example/Template2}} {{CC-BY-SA-4.0}} (atau template lain yang dapat diterima lisensi dari Commons:Tag hak cipta). Karena templat lisensi terpisah dari templat khusus pengguna, templat khusus pengguna tidak harus diganti.